Publisher cites fixing intricate details, creating better experience for players
ORLANDO (June 12, 2020) – Vectromirror 0, the free gameplay demo release previously planned for June 15, will be delayed nearly two weeks, game publisher Burnout Game Ventures announced Friday, meaning players will get to play the demo later this month.
Marketing Manager Kevin Gray cited recent testing discoveries, which will require delays as the reason for the 10-day stretch but announced that the game will release for demo gameplay on June 25.
Gray remains upbeat over the rollout.

“We discovered things such as frame-rate drop under 60 FPS during several moments in the game which we felt needed to be corrected before releasing. We are moving incredibly quickly in addressing these problems so that our fans can enjoy the new gameplay at it’s best,” he said.
While eagerly awaiting its release, the full launch scheduled for later this year will mark another milestone for the Orlando-based game development studio.
Its release will set the bar for BGV and The Vectromirror Initiative. The demo is meant to give players a taste of the studio’s latest gameplay while showcasing the game’s exciting core-functionality on standalone levels. Meaning the full game will include mostly new content not seen in this gameplay demo.
The game will be available for purchase later in the year.
Vectromirror, a game for Steam and available on PC, is a first-person, free-runner platforming game similar to Parkour in a “Tron” movie-themed setting. Throughout the game, players can push and pull mirror-like objects, creating pathways to prevent falling into a pit.
Vectromirror is the first indie game from The Vectromirror Initiative in association with Major Games, creator of BiT Evolution.
Although players will have to wait a few more days, excitement and unpredictable emotional reactions are the results of the playable demo and a main feature in the gameplay.
“We’re facing an early hiccup but want the overall experience to be positive,” Burnout Game Ventures CXO Rupert Meghnot said.