Burnout Game Ventures' Mission
To transform the game industry by providing new business, revenue, development & financial paradigms, that result in creating greater wealth and value for all stakeholders, instead of a fortunate few. This is economic development through game development, by cultivating aspiring entrepreneurs in the areas of gaming, simulation and XR into successful, sustainable business leaders.
As previously stated, there’s a profound imbalance in the game industry. People aren’t being properly rewarded for their work. We’ve developed a ground-breaking system, which democratizes success in the industry and allows every contributor in the chain – ALL developers, producers, admin, executives, and investors – to be properly rewarded for their efforts.

Our Nine Core Values
It takes a lot of Initiative, Resilience, Creativity, and Risk-Tolerance to be successful. Have you got what it takes?
BGV is a family that thrives on helping each other grow. Nobody's successful unless we're ALL successful.
BGV encourages creativity in every task. We don't play in others' sandboxes, we make our own.
Self Control
We're professionals who don't take ourselves too seriously. We know when to "Strap In Shut Up and Hang On"®.
When the going gets tough, you have to put the hammer down, and drive through it, bringing your Team with you.
We like risks (especially opportunities). We handle the others, too. At BGV, "fortune favors the bold"!
At BGV, we are a family that works and grows together. The team always comes first!
We train you to lead your Team to game immortality! Then, you can train others. That's what leadership is all about.
We take nothing for granted, and are grateful for everyone that helps us along the way.

Our Process
We pick the most promising projects – based on originality, and how well-prepared you are. We then build your Team, train you all on how to do it right the first/next time, mentor you through your development cycle, and then market the hell outta your game-related product.
Our goal is to get you to the point where you’re consistently offering products that people will buy, enough so that we can kick your butts out the door, knowing that you are a successful, sustainable company. We’ll help you make your game a success, and you, too.
It’s all about processes. It’s what we’re good at.
We know that 95% of indie developers fail because they don’t know and practice good project management. We teach you “how to fish” in the high-risk ocean of the game industry. “P-L-A-N” will no longer be a four-letter-word; it will be a path to success.
The goal is for you to release your first title within (an average of) six months, and then “graduate” within the next 6-24, as a self-sustaining studio – with your own employees, offices, resources, and revenue streams (all of which we help you get).
The Deal
- A significant increase in the success of your game/studio
- A massive Talent Pool, to grow your Team
- Keep your IP (and most of your creative freedom)
- An education program, to teach you success
- Proven processes that help you become successful
- No out-of-pocket development costs*
- Exponentially more money than a “profit-sharing” deal
- Being mentored by the BEST people in the world
- A large marketing budget
- Relationships with some of the world’s biggest companies
* Does not include salaries and wages
- Bust your butt to make your product successful
- Build your dream team, to make your dream game
- Engage with our Advisors, and mentor each other
- Learn our processes, and follow them to success
- Be prepared to P-L-A-N your success
- Appreciate what we provide, yet hold us accountable
- Be honest with us, and yourselves
- Use our tools to maximize your earnings
- Push yourself harder than you ever have
- Create a company your customers (and media) will love
How It All Started
Our Founder, Rupert Meghnot, after decades of successful entrepreneurial experience, and while teaching project management for a Game Development masters degree program at a top game school, decided something needed to be done.
His students spent a lifetime playing games, years of hard work studying about – and making – games, and amassed tons of student debt… For the precious few that got their dream job, working for a AAA studio, they found 100+ hour weeks, insufficient managers, and/or an unexpected termination letter. They typically leave the industry after just five years. It’s just not fair.
And, that 95% failure rate to break even, that’s much worse than the typical startup! Rupert’s seen it all, especially the failures, and what it does to people. As someone who KNOWS that every indie developer can be successful with the right guidance – and attitude – he got started…

Burnout Game Ventures, LLC began in 2014, and rapidly grew to nearly 200 people within eight months, many of whom are now enjoying lucrative and rewarding careers in the game industry.
As a project management expert (SME), he knew that every single reason people gave for the failure of their business (including AAA studios) could be handled – if not outright avoided – by good PM. And, speaking with 100’s of indie developers to determine their needs, he came up with a plan.
He then developed radical game development, business and financial models, that would democratize the game industry – so EVERYONE, from developers to investors – would get exactly what they put into the process, and do it consistently. And, he would train them on how to be successful entrepreneurs.
The first client partner product, BiT Evolution (Major Games), was released in less than six months, and went on to generate 100k+ installs. There was no looking back.
BGV Now Has
(01/01/2021) Released 5 titles (for 10 products on 11 platforms) for 5 startups.
Average time to market (sales): 7 months.
Nearly 100 products in the pipeline, for the next five years.
600+ people in its Talent Pool, and 40+ world-class Advisors
Been featured in many media channels (including magazines & broadcast TV), publications, conferences, etc.
A Founder (Rupert Meghnot) who was voted one of the “Top 50 Over 50 in the Global Game Industry” in 2019.
Why We Do What We Do
Passion for entrepreneurship, teaching, technology, creativity, and giving back to the community brought the BGV’s Team members together.
We know that starting a business is extremely risky – you could lose EVERYTHING. Our processes are proven to help you succeed.
Our Team’s professional experience and wisdom has made us experts in the industry, and we are utilizing our strengths to create true wealth – for our clients, their stakeholders, and our communities.
BGV disrupts failed (video game & venture capital) models, using healthy project management – enhanced with our special twists – which (virtually) guarantee SUCCESS.
We turn our Client Partners into winners
Our Team Members get the additional experience and training that potential employers appreciate
We accommodate our Advisors with engaging mentorship.
We reward our Investors with immediate and consistent ROI.